Michel Pilon
Michel Pilon is a commercial photographer in Montreal, Canada. In 1997, he made a wonderful series of studies of Vis Versa, two amazing performers, Yves Decoste and Marie-Laure Mesnage, who work with the internationally known Cirque du Soleil.
These prints are in an edition of 50, and they are priced at $930.00 for a 16 x 20 inch image printed on 20 x 24 inch paper in a 22 x 28 inch mat and $725.00 for a 12 x 17 inch image printed on 16 x 20 inch paper in an 18 x 22 inch mat. Prices increase rapidly as the editions sell out. All the prints are currently at their beginning prices. We only have the larger ones in stock, and the smaller sizes can be ordered.
(Click your mouse on the images below to enlarge them.)
![Tendresse](pilontendresses.jpg) Tendresse, 1997 | ![Libellule](pilonlibellules.jpg) Libellule, 1997 | ![Evolution](pilonevolutions.jpg) Évolution, 1997 |