Tom Zetterstrom

Since 1973, Tom Zetterstrom has been traveling across America and several foreign countries to create a series called Portraits of Trees. The results are beautiful small jewel-like black and white photographs of many species.

Mr. Zetterstrom's work has been shown numerous times and is in many important collections, including The Metropolitan Museum, The Museum of Modern Art, The Boston Museum of Fine Arts, the J. Paul Getty Museum and The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. He was born in 1945 and lives in Connecticut.

Print prices range from $1,200.00 to $2,000.00 and are matted to 20 x 16 inches.

(Click your mouse on the images below to enlarge them.)
All images below © Tom Zetterstrom

Tree Cluster
Tree Cluster, Oklahoma, 1997 (5" x 8")

Coast Oak
Coast Oak, California, 1991 (5" x 8")

Tree Fern
Tree Fern, Costa Rica, 1992 (6½" x 4¼")

Maple and Cherry
Maple and Cherry, Connecticut, 1994 (7½" x 5¼")

First Snow
First Snow, Pennsylvania, 1994 (5¼" x 8")

March Spruce
March Spruce, Connecticut (5" x 8")

Shagbark Hickories
Shagbark Hickories, Connecticut, 1978 (7½" x 5")

Cherry, Blizzard
Cherry, Blizzard, Hyde Park, New York, 1993 (5" x 8")

Lhasa Valley
Lhasa Valley, Tibet, 1981 (4¼" x 6½")

Colorado Spruce
Colorado Spruce, Colorado, 1973 (4¼" x 6½")