George Tice passed away 1/16/25.
If you want to order a print, contact us,
but the price may be different from those below.
All sizes refer to the size of the paper.
Petit's Mobil Station, Cherry Hill, NJ, 1974 (Go to our George Tice page to see images of the below.)
White Castle, Route #1, Rahway, NJ, 1973 and Car for Sale, Paterson, NJ, 1969
Oak Tree, Holmdel, NJ, 1970
Two Amish Boys, Lancaster, PA, 1962
From the Chrysler Building, NY, 1978 (not available in 8 x 10 silver)
Strand Theater, Keyport, NJ, 1973
Telephone Booth, 3 A.M., Rahway, NJ, 1974
Porch, Monhegan Island, Maine, 1971
Shaker Interior, Sabbathday Lake, Maine, 1971
Amish Children Playing in Snow, Lancaster, PA, 1969
Joe's Barber Shop, Paterson, NJ, 1970
Ferry Slip, Jersey City, NJ, 1979
Hudson River Pier, Jersey City, NJ, 1979
Country Road, Lancaster, PA, 1961 (only available in 8 x 10): Silver $8,000, platinum/palladium $9,000
All Other Prints